2010 was an eventful year for our family and we have so much to be grateful for...new baby, new nieces, new home, new jobs, and a big move that brought us
way closer to family. Its truly amazing how much can change in 12 short months!
Baby Bean, 1 day old New Niece #1, 1 day old New Niece #2, a few hours old |
Now a new year has begun and you know what that means, new years resolutions! After reading
The Happiness Project, I've decided to make small and specific goals for each month this year, rather than broad and lofty resolutions that I never seem to keep. First up for January is time management.
Going from a job where my day was very scheduled and structured to virtually no schedule has really thrown me for a loop. Other than meal times and nap times, my days and weeks have very little structure. I find that I don't make good use of the time that I do have, often piddling away the day and getting very little done.
So, in January I will:
- Revise and follow my cleaning schedule
- Spend 10 minutes picking up before bed
- Start the morning by making a schedule for the day
Okay, wish me luck! I'll check in at the end of the month and let you know how it goes.
Kimmer...I think making these smaller, specific goals are a great idea. I could def. use 10 minutes before bed picking up too! It seems if I skip 10 mins. one night 5 days later it turns into an hour of picking up...so I guess that10 mins would have been worth it.