Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good Looking Out

Our neighborhood backs up to a park with lots of wooded trails for hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, etc.  My parents house sits on the other side of the same park and they have a beautiful view of woods from their living room window.  On occasion they'll see wild animals out for a stroll back there.

Well, now that the snow is here I thought it would be fun to pull the Bean through the woods on her sled.  Its nice and hilly so it would be great exercise for me and hopefully lots of fun for her.  On Monday I called my mom to tell her my plan and I'm so glad I did.  Wouldn't you know that just that morning she and my brother happened to look out the window and spotted a huge COYOTE back in the woods!  They got out their binoculars just to make sure, and sure enough thats what it was.  A big coyote that had obviously been pretty well fed.  I suppose that means it probably wouldn't have eaten us had we come across it, but we decided to stay out of the woods just to be safe.  Someone above was looking out for us that day!

Instead of a trip through the woods Willa and I just did laps around the yard.  Oh, and I figured out why she doesn't put her arms down when wearing her winter gear.  She can't, just like Randy in A Christmas Story.  he,he.


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