Thursday, October 14, 2010

Easy Peasy

Apparently I was being a bit dramatic in thinking it would take two weeks to clean my room.  I was able to get it done during three nap times, two short and one long.  I even had a few minutes to work on a project before the bean woke up from that long nap!  

As you can see, this room is nothing fancy, but it is a great space to work and store all of my supplies.  Cozying it up a bit is on our 'things to do in the house this winter' list.

 I would still like to label the drawers and fabric bins.  I'm not thrilled that they're not all matchy matchy, but you work with what you've got, right?  I was just happy to have enough bins for everything!


  1. interested in hiring yourself out to organize another disasterous workroom?

  2. I am jealous that you have a whole room for your craft stuff! And all that fabric...

  3. will work in exchange for babysitting services

  4. I love the room, the space, and the organization! Can I come over and play?
